How can I download a GIF from Giphy?

by July 01, 2021 0 comments

 How to download a gif from Giphy

Recently, once I was trying to download a gif file from Giphy, I noticed that once I went on to the file,

for instance, that it had been actually loading an internet page rather than the gif file.

Now, you'll prefer to alternative/right-click on the image on this page then click “Save Image”. But, this may download the image with a .webp extension. From there, you'll prefer to change the extension to .gif if you’d like. But, I’ll be honest and tell you that I didn’t consider switching the extension initially. So, I dug further.

I figured that Giphy was probably detecting that supported who/where the request was coming from, so I attempted downloading the gif file by running a curl command. This worked, but it’s not convenient to possess to open up a terminal window to run a cURL command.

Luckily, a sort person left a really helpful comment below with a good simpler approach, which I feel is that the simplest approach overall.

Simple approach

When we attend a typical Giphy source URL, like, an internet page is loaded rather than the gif that we would like. Now, we've to vary for the particular gif to load to vary to

So, if we take the above example, we could load the particular gif by getting to

From here, we will alternate/right-click to download the gif with the right extension and continue about our day.

Downloading via cURL


--output ~/Desktop/download.gif

This resulted within the actual gif file that I wanted being placed on my Desktop as download.gif

Answered by

Photoshop Editing on Fiverr


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